Community Outreach

The ministry teams below reach out to Winston-Salem and Piedmont Triad communities.
Learn more about the teams we offer to the community.

If you would like to participate or join these opportunities please use the form below, to contact our volunteer coordinator.

Outreach Teams

If you have a heart for people and Jesus, we want you on this team. All experience levels are welcome! *

Friday evenings, twice a month
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

*Everyone can participate, if you would like to serve as an Outreach Team Leader, use the form below.

Drive Thru Prayer

This ministry is held in the Awake Church parking lot.  Our trained prayer ministers provide confidential prayer as people drive through a designated lane.

Training for this ministry qualifies individuals to serve on the Sunday prayer team if they choose to.

This ministry happens, twice a month on Saturdays.
Please check our calendar to stay up to date.

Contact our Volunteer Coordinator to serve on one of these teams.