The Ministry Teams of Awake Church
Learn more about the areas of ministry we offer, and if you’d like to either receive ministry or join a team, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page and our Pastoral Care Team will contact you shortly.
We believe that God speaks today in various ways, and His desire is to both encourage and heal people physically.
One of the greatest encouragements from God comes from the “more sure word of prophecy,” which is the Bible (II Peter 1:19). The scriptures tell us that God also speaks in other ways, including prophecy (which simply means to “speak forth”). The Apostle Paul explains that the purpose of prophecy is to “edify, encourage and comfort” (I Cor 14:3), and is one of the primary ministries in addition to the written Word that God has chosen to use to build up people. Paul also writes that every believer can participate in this life-giving ministry of edifying, encouraging, and comforting others.
Awake Church has an active team of people who pursue God for encouraging and comforting words to freely give away to people. This ministry is done in a safe and comfortable setting. No negative or exposing words are allowed.
We provide prophetic ministry on Sundays, after service. Sign up directly after service, in the Lobby and one of our team members will be there to greet you and provide direction. (Each person will be seen in the order they sign up.)
To receive a word of encouragement by email, use the contact box below.
Intercessors on this team stand in the gap on behalf of others and situations, specifically focused on Awake Church and our surrounding community. This is done from a place of joy. We would like to see intercession as an integral part of our church and receive insight into strategies that will release the Kingdom and bring breakthroughs to every stronghold. Effective intercession is hearing the heartbeat of heaven and declaring that into your world. It is the true agreement with heaven and the will of God that brings protection and covering for the leadership and the body.
Team meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of the month, in person. A secure app is used to receive prayer requests throughout the week and each member leads the charge in prayer for Sunday services once a month.
If you have a prayer request that you would like to send our team confidentially, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page or call our pastoral care line at (336) 738-3380.
Sunday Prayer:
Awake Church offers confidential prayer every Sunday morning directly after service.
Our seasoned prayer ministers would like to pray with you for salvation, baptism in the Holy Spirit, healing, finances, growing closer to God, and hearing His direction - whatever your need or concern!
Training for this ministry qualifies an individual to also serve on the Drive Thru prayer team if they so choose.
Visit this webpage for more information about our Drive Thru Prayer Ministry.
Moms Ministry:
available After service on the first Sunday of every month.
Awake Church’s Mom’s Ministry offers Prayer for Moms in all stages of motherhood. Motherhood is a journey and it is our desire to come alongside with support, prayer & encouragement for preparing the womb for pregnancy, blessing babies in the womb, supernatural childbirth, & all stages of motherhood whether you’re trying to conceive or have adult children!
The Moms Ministry team prays for moms on the 1st Sunday of each month after the service in the Great Room (corner). We also offer prayer by phone or in-person meeting, if requested.
Please fill out the form at the bottom of this page for questions or to request a private prayer meeting.
Home, Business, and Land Cleansing:
Often, we can overlook the necessity of spiritual cleansing for the homes, land, and buildings where we live and work. Scripture has several references to God healing the land. We have trained teams that will come to your property and pray over your home, land, or business whether owned, rented, or leased.
Personal Home Cleansing is a time of prayer and cleansing over the home you live in. Appointments are scheduled in the afternoon or evening based on the availability of the team and the individual requesting prayer, usually within 2 weeks of contact.
Business Prayer & Prophetic is a time of prayer and prophetic words for the purpose of partnering with God to bring blessing and increase to your business, owners, and employees. Most appointments for Business P&P are on Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. on location.
If you would like someone to pray over your home or business, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
Dream Interpretation:
Do you dream? Do you sometimes have vivid dreams and feel God is speaking to you but are not sure what the dream means?
We have leaders with training and experience to hear from God to biblically interpret your dreams. This team is a place to develop interpreting skills for your own dream life and encourage others through interpretation.
If you would like to submit a dream for interpretation, please read these guidelines and follow the instructions.
Awake Compassion:
This team is designed to support emergencies or special needs of church members, attendees, and visitors as well as those who come to the church for assistance. Our goals are to assist in ways we can spiritually and physically help and also to serve as a connector to the community resources and programs that are already established.
This ministry primarily serves on an “as-needed basis” on Sundays, and also includes the occasional phone calls, communication, or appointments throughout the week.
If you have a pastoral need or are in crisis, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page or call our pastoral care line at (336) 738-3380.
Awake Freedom:
Awake Freedom is a ministry designed to nurture healthy families through tools for individual intimacy and connection with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Personal healing helps us see and embrace God’s perspective bringing restoration to areas of relational brokenness.
These proven tools are used to expose hindrances and eliminate these hindrances by applying the Word of God, which brings truth and life.
We have something for everyone, no matter their spiritual level.
Click here to learn more!
Meal Care:
Meal Care is a ministry designed to provide meals for families in times of need including new births, surgeries, hospitalization, deaths in the immediate family, and special cases.
The Meal Care team cooks (or purchases) and delivers meals to those in these seasons of need. Each situation is case by case and the amount of meals and time frame can be adjusted.
To either sign up for the Meal Care team or to request a meal, please visit this dedicated Meal Care page.
We have more Ministry Teams that focus on Community Outreach.
For information about those teams, use the button below.