Frequently Asked Questions

  • We are independent and not affiliated with any specific denomination. However, all denominations are welcome to attend.

    We partner with the Holy Spirit and teach Biblically-based truths.

    To read our beliefs and values, start here.

  • Nothing, we think it looks cool. JK!

    In all seriousness... Our logo is simply meant to be a symbol of the letter "A" in Awake. We also love how the "A" mirrors the Trinity, three in one.

    We have heard talk about it being a New Age symbol, but we can assure you that Awake Church is rooted in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit only.

  • Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
    You can join us in person or online via live streaming on YouTube and Facebook.

    We have numerous events and ministries during the week. Check out our calendar for more information.

  • We will typically begin with a more lively contemporary worship set. We believe that true worship can be expressed in many ways, including people dancing, waving flags, and live painting. You may also see members worshipping in a more reserved fashion, all are welcome at Awake.

    After worship, we will transition into a few announcements, and receive an offering, followed by a sermon preached by our Lead Pastor or someone else on our Pastoral Team. Occasionally, we have Guest Speakers selected by our Lead Pastor.

    After service, you can experience our Prayer and Prophetic Ministry Teams. To learn more about our Ministries, visit here.

  • Dressing up is not a requirement to worship with us at Awake. Some do wear their “Sunday best” but you’re also likely to see someone in a casual shirt, jeans, and even a baseball hat.

    We believe the most important part about Sunday morning is showing up, ready to worship God together.

  • Our doors open at 8:45 a.m. for Bible Studies and various events. Check out our Church Calendar for specific information.

    Service begins at 10:00 a.m.

    However, if you are visiting for the first time, we suggest you come 15 minutes before the service begins, to stop by our Welcome Center for a special gift, and register your children for Awake Kids.

  • Be on the lookout for our amazing Parking Volunteers. They will help you find the best spot and help visitors find Guest parking.