Awake Kids Ministry


Kid’s ministry is available for ages 6 months to 10 years.

Sprouts: 6 - 16 months

Peas & Pods: 16 months - 3 year olds

Buds: 3 - 4 year olds

Bloom: 4 - 6 year olds

Kids Rock / Bamboo: Grades 1st through 5th


Children are a gift to our fellowship. Jesus taught that we have to be like children to enter the kingdom. We view our children as those who will lead us with lighthearted joy, and show us how to trust and be free. Our children are also incredible treasures lent to us to train and equip for the future.

Our children’s ministry is focused on equipping, training, and releasing our kids to minister to other children and adults in an atmosphere of fun and safety.

Attention Kids Rock Parents


Attention Kids Rock Parents *

to help your child memorize this month’s scripture at home, click the video below