The Painter in Your Mind
Every person has an inner painter that draws pictures of expectations - expectations of what they will do and what God will do. The problem is that the pictures drawn inside of us rarely match the reality we face, which can pave the way for discouragement and becoming jaded. John the Baptist, Peter and the Pharisees all faced this, believing that Jesus would look and do different things than He did. While John the Baptist and Peter temporarily lost hope, the Pharisees became enemies of the One they thought they were waiting for. God paints pictures of His will fulfilled that look much different than the one’s we compose, which is why His calling is to keep our eyes fixed on Him, as He leads us to fulfill His will, not match the images in our minds. Jesus is the Master artist and our job is to follow Him wherever He goes. As we do, He will paint a beautiful image of His will fulfilled in our lives.